Struggling Emotionally with Mum’s diagnosis

  • 6 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Just found this site and have read many of your emotional posts tonight and my heart goes out to each and everyone of you. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer just over 5 weeks ago. We have no idea how long it’s been going on as she’s been hiding it. She finally admitted there was a problem and fast forward a month she has just undergone a left mastectomy and lymph node removal. The cancer has also spread to the bones in her spine. We’ve not been given any long term prognosis as the priority was to remove the large tumour and make her more comfortable. So I have no real idea what we dealing with! I’m sat alone at my mum’s this evening having just helped her to bed and I’m really really struggling emotionally with it all. My feelings are switching between guilt, rage, resentment and just utter anguish and a sense of loss!! Unfortunately I have had a nasty argument with my sister today in front of my mum / something I’m not very proud of. She accused me of being selfish - something that has absolutely devastated me - unfortunately I don’t live locally to my family so haven’t been able to be here every day to deal with it but have been over to attend the consultant appointment etc and now sleeping on the sofa to help with her care post op . I’ve spent the last 5 weeks juggling life, trying to be strong and do the best I can by everyone even if from a distance but it seems apparently that nothing I do is right!! I’ve buried my own feelings to support others including my sister and two teenage daughters and right now I just feel like a failure. 

  • Hello I hope you are ok.

    we have just found out my mum has breast cancer and it has devastated us all.

    we have found just being there and allowing all core points works well 

    hope your ok 

  • I am so sorry to hear this. My mum was also diagnosed with breast cancer around 5 weeks ago. I can hardly imagine how it must feel to not feel supported from your family. I totally understand where you are coming from, unfortunately your life, and even more importantly, your responsibilities do not stop just because of your mums diagnostic. I too am struggling with this, we’re still trying to be a good employee, mum, friend, partner, sibling, neighbour etc whilst being a good daughter. It seems you are doing everything you can in your power to help, please try not to feel guilty, your path in life is slightly different, this isn’t something you should be made to feel bad about.

    I hope this helps even in the smallest way to know I’m in the exact same boat. Sending lots of well wishes to you. 

  • Hi, 

    I'm so sorry you're all experiencing this too. My mum has also been diagnosed recently (lung cancer), she's known for about 6-8 weeks but kept it from me and my sister as it was my wedding/honeymoon and she thought it would ruin it. I'm devastated and haven't been able to sleep properly since she told us last weekend. When I've asked my sister she keeps telling me she's ok. So she clearly isn't ready to talk about it. We all deal with things in different ways, and emotions will come out in all sorts of ways. I've so far found it quite helpful reading the articles on the support pages - the one around feelings and what to do is particularly good. It talks in there about different ways we might be feeling, how they might manifest themselves and tips for what to do. 

    Ultimately we have to be kind to ourselves - especially in the early days - I'm near to my parents but my sister isn't so I have wondered how she is coping as I think it could be harder for her in some ways (as with you) that she can't be here more. You and your sister will pull through your argument I'm sure. You aren't a failure - you need to be kind to yourself so that you can be your strongest self for your mum and family. 

    Links to the support page I mentioned above Your feelings when someone has cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support Supporting a family member with cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    Hope they help and I hope this community does too, for all of us 

    Katie x

  • So sorry to hear this. It’s always such terrible shock for everyone involved. Thank you for your kind words and I hope you and your family continue to find the strength and support from one another. Take care. 

  • Thank you for your kind words and so sorry to hear your sad news too. It’s so reassuring to hear that I’m not alone in how I feel. I’m trying to organise some counselling to help deal with my emotions and enable me to be better equipped to deal with everything at the moment. I’m hoping just talking to someone objective and outside of the situation will help with the stress and anxiety I’m feeling and then allow me to better support my daughters as well. It’s hard trying to be strong all the time. Take care and I wish you and your family all the very best. 

  • Thank you Katie. I’m so sorry to hear your sad news and wish you and your family all the very best. I hadn’t come across the articles yet so appreciate the recommendations and will follow up. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and one that is very hard to juggle unfortunately. Each day brings new challenges but hopefully with the support of online groups like this we can all get through it together at least knowing we’re not alone. Take care.