Struggling emotionally

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

6 months on from my mum's diagnosis of stage 4 bowel cancer and I am still finding it hard to deal with. Somehow I thought I might "get used" to the fact she has advanced cancer but clearly not. Chemotherapy cycle 8 is due this week and the side effects are really starting to increase for her which is heartbreaking when she's unwell for 10 days out of each 14 day cycle. She is due a scan next week to see how things are looking. Whilst we as a family desperately hope the chemo has done something I am terrified incase it hasn't. I've had anxiety for years and at the moment it's terrible. I spoke to my GP who recommended counseling through Macmillan as NHS takes a long time. But I don't want to use up a valuable resource as it seems impossible to think anyone can help me to deal with mum's life changing diagnosis


  • Does anyone know why I can see an emoji at the end of my post? I certainly didn't add it and have edited. to remove it several times but can still see it. 

  • Hi MrsM03, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum's diagnosis and your pain at witnessing her 'unwellness' following chemo. It's so hard for you at the moment and I can feel how sad and anxious the whole situation is making you. Macmillan Cancer Support is just that - support for those affected by cancer - whether as patient, carer or friend or family.......There are also us who might have had cancer, chemo, surgery, the works! (like me) and am also trying to support my brother following a sudden, unexpected and recent diagnosis of terminal cancer. We are here for you to offload and also reassure you that Macmillan is also definitely there for you too, so I suggest that you contact them asap to ask for counselling to help support you at this really difficult time. And keep on sharing on here too ........

  • Katiecat13 thank you for such a lovely reply. I'm very sorry that not only have you been through cancer yourself but now have a brother going through it. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. 

    I think I feel guilty or silly in some ways that I'm not dealing with my mum's illness better. Although most people say on a day to day basis I appear from the outside to be dealing with it well. I will contact Macmillan regarding counselling. 

    Thanks again for your time and kind words. x