Reaching Out

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  • 19 subscribers

Hello everyone! This is not a journey that is chosen or wanted. It begins with the actions leading up to hearing the words "you have cancer". We are still coming to terms with my mum's diagnosis. We have had very little time to think about the cancer as one minute she was fine and walking two hours every day and then undergoing emergency surgery with limited mobility now. We have her first oncology appointment tomorrow to discuss diagnosis which we know is stage four - primary kidney, spine and lungs. The surgery was to secure her spine as the cancer was compressing her spinal cord. We will also discuss prognosis and treatment options. I've become my mum's full-time carer and have huge amounts of respect for anyone that has to do this. I'm a single parent of two children and being pulled pilar to post, but will do anything to support my mum through these dark days. Mums not ready to talk to anyone, but I wanted to reach out and join a community where just being able to talk and express yourself will make a difference.

  • Hello Walking Together! I love the way you say this is not a chosen journey especially on earring the word ‘cancer’.

    I am still in shock after my husbands diagnosis of Prostate cancer and we met the oncology team this Friday. I feel I am crumbling and am not in the habit of expressing my feelings and realise I need to now.

    Take Care Walking Together and i wish you well and strengthen to you and mum.Heart

  • Thank you for reaching out and well done you for taking that step in also reaching out. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis and hope they have caught it early enough. My uncle and his two sons have all had prostate cancer. Somehow I am managing to keep strong, but it is not easy. We must all learn to express our feelings because it will help, it's just knowing who is the best person to express them to. We can't be strong all the time. Sometimes we just need to be alone and let our tears out. I will keep everything crossed for your husband and remember you are not alone x 

  • AAH Thank You for all your good wishes and encouraging words!! I am right now going to use this to have a winge and say that i am fed up of being strong and crying alone…..i need TLC so that i feel nourished!! I am sure that will happen…I know it will. 

    I don’t know how you are managing to keep strong. Please make sure that you are taking Good care of Yourself. 

    The cancer has been caught early and we are looking to surgery so that there is no chance of a spread. So on that note, we are very lucky.However, I do feel my world is upside down right now and i need to express this and i am using this space to express it. So THANK YOU very much for letting me have my say and for listening to me.

    Bless You.

  • If you need TLC then go right ahead and get it. I'm sure there is bundles of it out there for you. Don't get me wrong, there are days where I break down and want to hit out - this is why the punch bag in the gym is worth its weight in gold at the moment! I've been through a lot in life and it's made me stronger and appreciate all the small and simple things around me. I also have two children who are my rocks so I can't crumble. Amazing news for you both and I hope the surgery is soon and your husband recovers quickly. Take each day as it comes, get the surgery out of the way and start living again x