My Stepdad is losing his fight.

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi Everyone Wave 
I’ve joined this group as me and my family are now too victims of the horrific C word!
My wonderful stepdad only 49 years old was diagnosed with melanoma 2 years ago, he had an operation to remove the cancer, then had another operation to remove his lymph nodes from his legs and groin. As a family we was trying to think so positively that he would get through this and we could get back to ‘normal.’
Sadly, on Wednesday we received heartbreaking scan results, which showed not only has his cancer spread, there is no longer anything they can do for him and that he is going to lose his fight TriumphSob
We do not know how much time we have left with him and are trying to treasure every moment!
My family and I are at a loss and it feels like the darkest and Loneliest place in the world Earth americasBroken heart I have been reading some of the heartbreaking, but beautiful stories of these brave fights on this page, and it does give me comfort to know that we’re not alone, Thankyou for listening to my rant and my story, it does feel good to get it out there! Heart

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your dad but glad you have found some comfort in the words we have shared with our friends on here. One thing I find very positive about the community it we all know what it is like and know how valuable a rant on here can be.  Cancer is not the easiest thing to being up over coffee with a friend though since I "came out" at work it is amazing how many new friends I have found to share.



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