Nightmare 11 weeks

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers

Totally struggling, I lost my mum less than 3 weeks ago she had Breast, Lung and Kidney Cancer whilst that was happening my Dad was under going Chemo for Kidney cancer, To what we have now been told its spread and he has 6-8 weeks left, To loose one parent is a nightmare but to loose 2 in poss the space of 11 weeks is a struggle. 

Dad seems to deteriorating at quite a fast speed and its hard to watch from him going to this strong independent man to him struggling.

I don't know what to do where he is up to with pain relief, Doctors, Palative Care don't know who I can contact, better word for it my heads up my.........!!

Still not managed to Grieve for mum now having to deal with this on top is a living nightmare 

  • Hi

    So glad you came to us and totally get your living nightmare situation. Please consider ringing our helpline 0808 808 0000 - anyday between 8am and 8pm because the team there can help you much more quickly than our family on here.

    Totally get what you mean about losing 2 parents so quickly, lost by dad after a long illness and mum died just 5 weeks later but out of the blue and when I heard I just howled - 2013 will forever live in my memory. However I know how proud mum and dad would be to see me now.



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