Friend diagnosed with secondaries. What can I do?

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  • 19 subscribers

My best friend was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer just over a year ago. After undergoing chemo, radio therapy and a mastectomy, she has now found out that she has lung, liver and possibly brain tumours. The doctors have said they feel it will be unlikely to respond to mainstream treatments.

I feel so helpless. I've no idea what to do. 

  • My mother has cancer and hers is secondary. She is going through targeted drug therapy as surgery isn’t possible. I went to Maggies this week and just for someone to listen to me helped a lot. I can’t fix this for my Mother. I can only listen and be there when she needs me. I do all the practical things. I just wish the time that is left was pain free and some joy in some way for her. I’m sorry to hear about your friend.