
  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi this is my first time posting.

My adult child has laryngeal cancer. It was finally diagnosed 10 months ago and unfortunately now has spread to the lymph nodes. At present we are waiting on the results of yet another biopsy to see if it has spread elsewhere. Obviously this terrifies me.

We live far apart and they have their own way of dealing with things, which i am respect. I know it gives some control back from this horrible illness. Logically I know when they are ready and have processed I  will get a call to talk about it but its the horrible time of waiting for that call.

Added to this is that my child isn't a great communicator at the best of times so the wait is even longer and I  just go into panic mode . My mind wont switch off from it even for a minute and I'm anxious all the time. I try to hide it from everyone as very few know about the illness.(Their wishes)

I just wish I could do something and take it all from away and make it stop. Which logically I know I can't but as a mum it breaks my heart and I feel so guilty that it's them and not me.

Anyway I guess I just wanted to get it out there with people who know where I'm coming from and sadly knows how this feels.


  • hi and welcome to our community, though we are always sorry to see another member join and perhaps even more so when we get a parent talking about their child - and that does not matter how old they might be! 

    One fairly good blog about someone in your position can be found here - myself being the youngest of 4 my mother tended to refer to me as her baby - even when I was about 1ft taller than she was!

    Waiting for test results tends to be very difficult and getting everything late and second hand even more so, it might help you to see if there any any support groups near you - try our in your area tool where you just enter your postcode as that may help. Post on here whenever too as someone will always be listening.



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  • Thank you so much Steve for the reply and the blog link. It's just nice to know someone gets it.