Feel so insecure

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers


  • My husband is so busy dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy treatment, I feel at times like i don't exist and feel abandoned. i miss the I love you moments, the fun times. I think he forgets that we are in this together because he is so busy dealing with the physical side effects, he has little room for much else. I did finally pluck the courage up talk to him and it has made things a bit better.
  • The truth is the whole uncertainty of our situation is making me feel so insecure, I feel we are both battling our own issues his much more physical for now mine more mental. Is this normal? 
  • Hi

    Sorry - yes, you are both perfectly normal - not exactly the most helpful answer perhaps but then I ended up doing a living with less stress course before I got there.

    If we look at Supporting a family member with cancer and especially the "your feelings" section we can see typical issues.

    I do like it where you mention talking - lots of stuff in Talking about cancer that can be very helpful. When I "came out" as a cancer carer at work I found lots of others who had never opened up to anyone else about their own scares and scars - we know cancer is very common but so many people never mention it.



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  • Thanks Steve having held back my feelings for such a long time as I didnt think it was fair and wondering if they were normal. I am coming to appreciate that my feelings are equally as worthy, and with honest but good choice of words, and through my talking, it encourages my husband to open up and I can hear his perspective. 

    Thank you