I'm ready for the end but it feels never ending

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  • 22 subscribers

In March my dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Im going to make this post short as I have so little energy but I really need help. 

I live with my boyfriend in our own place. I've been travelling to and fro to juggle work and paying rent and looking after dad. After saving up to pay for a few months rent I quit work to come home more permanently. I've joined my mum and sister in looking after dad. I've been here for a while now. It's hard as we're already grieving what we've lost and trying to do our best.

But I really now miss my life with my boyfriend, being with him in our home, our pets,  and just our whole life. Emotionally, I am ready to see my dad go. I will be distraught and it will still be hard but I am ready for it. I almost want it, because it is so hard to live like this. But it feels never ending. I feel hopeless. Even the idea of being here for another week seems like hell.  I know it's selfish but I'm just so tired and so unhappy and I miss my life so much. I just want to start the process of going through the next step. I don't want him to die, but I also can't keep living like this.  I'm miserable and tired. 

Being home is hard as well, because we haven't all lived together since we were in school. The house is small and I don't really have a space.

I don't know what I need, advice or just someone to say it will be ok, but I just needed to say this and get some help.

  • I looked after my mum at her home when she was dying of cancer. My own home was 40 miles away and I had a 3-year old to look after as a single parent. We coped by sharing responsibities,. I looked after her during the day, then I cooked for my brother and her boyfriend who were working during the day,. They helped care for her in the evening. At the weekend they both took over the caring and I went home to sort things out there and have a break. I left on Friday evening and returned Sunday evening. Can you not organise something like this with your family so that everyone can have a break and some space? You also always have to remember that this will end and you don't want to go away with regrets that you could have done better for your dad. Good luck .Ann

  • I’m sorry to hear you are struggling and are in this situation. When I am in hard times what helps me is that nothing is permanent. The situation will change as difficult as it is now. Completely giving up your life is very, very hard even for the short term. Can’t you work out a day/2 days where you can rotate and share responsibilities so you all get a break and you could have your old life back for a bit to help keep you feeling supported and have some respite? 

  • I understand what you’re going through. My partner has advanced cancer. It feels like this has been happening forever and won’t let up. I know that I will be devastated when he dies and really mostly wish this was not happening to my love, to us. I guess since knowing he’s dying I have been grieving as I’ve watched his health deteriorate. But caring for him has left me exhausted, isolated from friends and family and emotionally depleted. I get that sometimes it feels like you’ve had enough. 

    wishing you the strength to see it though. Ask Macmillan or Martletts for counselling to help you through. 

  • I really relate to this