Husband Waiting for biopsy for CUP and has lymph and brain mets

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi all wishing I didn’t need this group. My husband was unwell around beginning July 2022 after a check up with the local doctors came back with was pre borderline diabetes’. Due to weight loss they also referred him to the vague symptoms clinic at the local hospital where after a couple of ct scans they diagnosed blood clot in each lung and chest infection so was sent home with blood thinners and antibiotics. His symptoms didn’t follow the blood clot diagnosis so a week later a local GP who we saw said straight away this guy has brain tumours and off to A&E. To cut a long story short he has now been diagnosed with lymph and brain mets and is awaiting results of a biopsy for unknown primary cancer. So apart from steroids to reduce the brain Pressure for headaches nothing can happen til the primary cancer is diagnosed.

I just want to get it off my chest the waiting is awful and I know that he (we) have a long painful road ahead. From past experience the McMillan chat rooms saved me from what was .happening to my late husband who sadly passed away 13 years ago, but I made and still have good friends from the Mac site and we bolstered each other up at anytime of day or night. 
thanks for listening 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband, It took a very long time to diagnose my wife until they finally came up with Leiomyosarcoma not least because she also had something called pyometra.

    Waiting is a real pain, we all recognize that and you are so right in that having the pressure release valve of talking (or even typing) to someone else is often very helpful.



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