Getting help for someone recently diagnosed with cancer that has caused rapid changes in lifestyle

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  • 21 subscribers

My friend up until 2 weeks ago was mobile. He had a melanoma diagnosed in late May. Despite having it removed and also some lymph nodes removed. He has now developed brain tumours. These are causing mobility issues. The hospital has sent him home with 2 walkers one for upstairs and one for downstairs but he has to rely on his friends such as myself for help.His house is not adapted. He has not received a home visit from any service. We are all struggling. He is in shock over the whole issue and when we make suggestions they are frequently dismissed. He does not have any immediate family who are prepared to help. When contacted they say it is up to my friend. The hospital have offered him radiotherapy and are providing transportation but last night the transportation failed to pick him back up from a visit I was phoned as he has me down on his hospital records as first contact.  In the end they realised he could not go in a taxi and so an ambulance was called. I know there must be help out there better mobility aids than just 2 walkers but it has happened very suddenly. The hospital obviously wanted him home after they diagnosed the tumours but do not seem to have put in place any support.

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear about your friend and glad that he has someone who carers for him.

    Hospitals are not supposed to discharge patients without a care plan in place but of course are under a lot of pressure at the moment and so if a patient does not challenge then it does certainly happen. At home the local council should do a needs assessment but often they only happen if someone really pushes for that.

    I wonder if if might help you to ring the helpline here as they might be able to suggest ways you could help your friend that are rather outside my experience.



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