My mum

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My mum has just been diagnosed with Myelofibrosis and I feel like I’m already grieving. I have a knot in my chest constantly - even though, I’m walking round and smiling - I feel numb!! 
I’m absolutely terrified for her. I feel lost and like a little girl again. I’m a single mum (23, 21, 10!)  and feel so alone. I’m being strong but feel broken inside. 
I act normal round her but then worry she may think I don’t care!! Oh it’s just so difficult!! Please tell me I’m not the only one that feels like this!? 

  • Hi

    You are unfortunately completely normal, how I wish I had a pound for everyone who says "I have to be strong" - or the magic wand to make the happen.

    Certainly seen in the past patients who believe their loved ones don't care because they are so positive and brave - there is no win in that but sometimes the best we can do is just keep talking



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  • Thank you for your reply. 
    I suppose we just have to do the best we can!! 

  • Hi, my mum also has cancer, stage 4 and just found out the chemo didn't work. I chatted to her when she told me and said how shit it was, how I suspected something n asked questions etc, trying to seem ok about it because she was being upbeat like it was just one course of treatment and now they're on to the next. Then I cried once I'd hung up. I don't know what youre relationship is like with your mum but my mum is my best friend. She knows I care and I'm just putting on a brave face for her, for me and for my kid too. Like I'm sure you're mum knows about you. Like the other person said I think you just have to keep talking and doing the things that show you care. My mum also doesn't want everything to change because of her cancer, she doesn't want the 'head to the side, 'how are you?' as she calls it. So ye its really tricky. This is a bit rusty garble cos I'm a bit emotional but just wanted to reply and say you're not alone, and it sucks. Xx

  • Love to you and your Mum Heart

  • Thank you. She’s my world. Its so completely shit. I’m here to vent to if you need to xx