Fiancé has terminal diagnosis and I am devastated

  • 4 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I’m not coping. My fiancé has a terminal diagnosis and I’ve fallen apart. I can’t function, I’m not sleeping, I just can’t get on with it.

  • Hi @jimothy10

    So sorry to read about your fiancé, your reaction is totally normal even if somewhat difficult to cope with. Lack of sleep rapidly makes us unable to function and might be helped by your GP in the short term. Getting you on a level keel means you get the best of any time you have and are the best able to support when you are needed.



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  • Hi my fiance has just been diagnosed with metastasis liver and lung after going through an operation last year and doing 6 months of chemo and for it to come back Cry I’m heartbroken Broken heart I’m the same always here to talk Maybe we can help you each other big hugs Hugging xx

  • I’m just so sorry. I’m so glad I found this forum. It helps to see I’m ‘normal’ watching a loved one with a terminal diagnosis. 

  • I’m just so sorry. 
    mad mentioned previously sleep is key - I understand this as since my mother’s prognosis I too struggle with sleep. 
    we are all here for you