Palliative care for mum

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers


My mum took the decision to stop her treatments for secondary breast cancer, as it was having no impact on the tumors on her kidneys, and the side effects were becoming less manageable.

She is now under the care of a palliative nurse through her GP, but is still able to generally look after herself. (getting up and dressed, and making meals for herself) 

She is feeling more and more nauseous, and has fluid in her abdomen, which they has given her fluid tablets to try and help. They have said its not severe enough to need it drained. 

We're trying to help make sure she is comfortable, but feel that there isn't much being offered, and we aren't sure if we are asking the right questions, so we aren't getting helpful answers. 

Any advice on what we can do? 

Thanks in advance, 


  • Hi / John

    I wonder it it might help you/her to discuss this with one of the staff on the helpline here.

    There may be some useful information for you in Looking after someone with cancer and the contact details for the team are at the bottom of that page. I know the staff on the helpline have been very helpful to me in the past - even if I seem to have spent most of the call crying.



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