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My grandad has recently been diagnosed with bone and blood cancer, he’s 91 next month and I’m struggling to come to terms with losing my best friend. They are not doing treatment because it is too far gone and he now has dementia so would really struggle! They have given him 2 months maybe a little longer, I know he’s elderly and time wasn’t on our side anyway but I’m struggling to come to terms I’m going to lose my grandad sooner because of this disease! I don’t know how to process it all! I’ve been very lucky to not of lost anyone close to me yet at the age of 41, my children are so very lucky to have great grandparents at the ages of 11 & 8. My grandad is the one person I go to for everything and he’s a 4 hour journey away! We go home end of august for the week and I know this will be the last time my children will see him looking like grandad if that makes sense 

anh advice on how to try and process all of this would be greatly appreciated, as I’m struggling to sleep and I’m having the most horrendous dreams about it all , thank you x

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your grandad though totally get what you say about not having lost people until being somewhat older - my father was in the RAF and so we were mostly disconnected from our extended families.

    We had some help when my parents were ill that helped us, in the end my dad went through quite a long painful decline and then my mother went totally out of the blue - both hurt.

    Looking at End of life contains some links that may be helpful to you and Preparing a child for loss might be helpful for your children - often they are more resilient than we give them credit for but well worthwhile bringing the teachers on board to as they can be great support.

    If you feel the need remember you can always go and talk to your GP. When I got really stressed at one point he suggested very simply going for a walk and really pause to notice the nature all around us and that was very helpful.



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