Really don't know where to begin

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone.

Lil history my dad has severe copd and dementia numerous other health conditions his copd up and down at the moment and his dementia declining.he has just been diognosed with tongue cancer and as luck would have it his partner diognosed with pancreatic cance,I also have my mother in law diognosed with lung liver and bone cancer .I feel like my life is over run with cancer it's over I want to be here for everyone but I'm a single mum with not a good support network.I lost my mum 17 years ago aged 50 to lung cancer this I all soo scary and don't know what to think or do.not all bad my 19 year old niece has just been able to contact her bone marrow donor which is fabulous I love it but find it hard to be happy about anything at the moment .any help or advice would appreciated 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about everything you and your family are going through. We can all hear statistics like 1 in 2 affected by cancer in their lifetime but somehow most people think "it will not be me" - until we find it is.

    At one point on our journey with cancer I came close to breaking, nobody really to talk to and everything seemed to be going wrong - then I walked in to the Maggie's centre at my local hospital and cried my story out over about a hour and a box of tissues. Later on I did a living with less stress course that really helped me - mostly it taught me the importance of dealing with what is on the table today - because tomorrows problems really need to wait their turn. Conscious breathing also helped me deal with the unexpected issues life still likes to throw our way but was also quite good for getting some sleep.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer we can see how really common all these emotions are.

    Your message about was a great place to begin - hope you find sharing on here helpful because you are among friends who really understand.



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