Worried for mum's future

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My mum was diagnosed with Stage 4 Bowel Cancer and Secondary Liver cancer, around two months ago. She was due to start Chemotherapy last week but the day before was called to say that the oncologist wasn't happy to start due to an ongoing UTI mum has had for several weeks despite multiple antibiotics. The plan was for the oncologist to see her later this week, have a PICC line put in and start treatment the next day. Mum then decided last week that she needed to see a dentist about a problem she has had with a tooth for over a year. It's now looking likely that she'll need a tooth removing which means a further delay to treatment. My worry is that, mum has been very open in admitting she is terrified of the treatment and I can't help thinking she's possibly deliberately delaying treatment by having the dental treatment. She has already talked about not continuing if the treatment is too much. I feel utterly helpless. I know I have to respect whatever decision she makes but am so scared she's not even going to try the treatment. My aunt passed away aJoy week and a half ago from breast cancer which had spread so we are going through a difficult time. My thoughts are completely running away with me. The person I'd normally turn to when I have worries is my mum and I can't do that. 

  • Hi

    Sorry to read about what your mum - and you are going through - especially having just lost your aunt too. Of course their cancer's are different and they are different people but anyone would find it a challenge to separate the two.

    UTI's can be a pain - I have issues with them in the past that have even ended up with me in hospital. Your mum is right to get the tooth dealt with though as dental treatment and chemotherapy really do not mix very well.

    IT might help you to look at and share any concerns in our Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum as there will be friends there at all sort of stages of treatment that might help to decide on treatment options taking away some of the unknown and being scared.

    Glad you found us though, very much a family on here even if we only type at each other. Remember to if you need to speak to someone then our phoneline is open to all.



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