Counting down the days to the operation

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  • 19 subscribers

My wife was meant to have her Mastectomy last week but in my last shift before isolating I caught Covid & spread it through the house without knowing. Now we have to wait another 3 weeks at least for the operation & it's horrendous. My wife is really down & worried about having to wait longer, really scared about how much the cancer will spread in that time. It's invasive breast cancer & has spread to lymph nodes. We have 2 kids under 5 who obviously don't understand what is happening & are just non stop for 18 hours a day, not in a bad way just excited at having Mum & Dad both home to play all the time. We can't leave the house & are basically isolating now until the operation happens. I think we are all going to go crazy. I am trying to stay positive, happy & enthusiastic to keep the kids happy & stop them bugging Mum but it's so hard to keep the energy up for 15 hours a day. We are going to try to get out next week after negative results but even then my wife is worried about coming in to contact with anyone & catching it again. Kids are definitely not going to school or groups & missing so many birthday parties. It awful & we haven't even started treatment yet. 

  • Hi

    It is quite common to feel with cancer that it went from not-cancer to cancer in the space of a heartbeat but it really does not work like that. In a way similar to children - our son is 18 now but I swear he was only a baby just yesterday.

    We recently all tested positive for covid for the first time ever - it was not exactly pleasant. When my wife told the nurse at our GP surgery she helpfully pointed out it should improve our immunity.

    There is some quite good information about talking to children here that you might find helpful. We also used the book "Secret C - straight talking about cancer"



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