Mum is failing fast.

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I joined the group a couple of weeks ago, when I could see that I would quite probably need a place to vent my feelings but also somewhere to read what other people are going through.  So hello from me, I'm 63 years old this month and the person with cancer is my Mum.  Ironic really, as she suffered breast cancer twice and beat it both times when she was younger.  Now, in her twilight years - she's in her mid-eighties - she has been taken down with uterine cancer.  The doctors have decided there's nothing they can do and so are leaving her to the care of her G.P. and primarily, a local-to-her Hospice and my brother and I, her family.  My brother lives closer to her, so he's the one doing the majority of the sorting out of crises and the arranging of appointments etc. as she is very deaf and talking on the phone is very difficult for her.

Anyway, that's the basics - I've got arthritis and typing is very difficult for me currently, so I'll just say hello and leave it at that!



  • Hi and welcome to our community, though always a little sorry to see a new friend here.

    Many people find hospice care can be really good and often they will deal with the whole family; something sometimes the oncology teams can find less easy.

    Glad to hear there are two of you, though can relate too with the issues of deafness for your mum and arthritis for you - my issue on that front is in my spine, still somehow we keep going.



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