Mum to 3 husband having chemo

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers
  • My husband is having BEP for testicular cancer. He has already had an orchidectomy. He is currently an inpatient. I feel tearful. Worried about how to manage and what to expect when he comes home. He will need outpatient chemo too. 
  • Hi sorry to hear about your husband and of course the worry about him being in hospital. It can be very helpful to talk to the oncology team before he comes home so that you both know what you might expect and also when it might be good to ask for help. Often a key in this is keeping an eye on any fever as that may need intravenous antibiotics and so it would be back to hospital again. When my wife was on chemo she had a couple of bonus stays in the hospital on that front.

    You say mum to 3 - depending on how old they are you might like to look at Talking to children and teenagers

    When my wife had outpatient chemo (before covid) a carer was allowed to stay with the patient through the treatment but things may be different now - it may be worth finding out how things will work. In Oxford we are also lucky to have a Maggies on site and it makes a great non-medical retreat that can be very supporting. Often they provide support for children too.



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  • Thanks Steve. They are 12, 9 and 6. He came home today. He has tinnitus at the moment. I can't fault the specialist oncology nurses. I have already had to call with a query. We have a centre too. Not Maggies but local charity. 

  • I am sure you will have let their schools know, we found things very helpful for our son to get the same answers at home as when he asked questions at school and the teachers/TA's were more aware that he was under an emotional strain and so might not always respond in ways they might expect "normally" - well whenever we get sure what "normal" means anyway.



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