I'm in shock

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone, I was talking to one of my friends on Facebook about two or three days ago via text as I'd commented on one of her  posts.

I can't remember her exact age, but I know that she's between mid to late 20s or early to mid 30s. She's a mum to a lovely lil boy who is in primary school.

Whilst we were texting each other, she told me that she's been diagnosed with both throat and breast cancer.

I was genuinely shocked when she told me.

She's got to go between our local hospital and another NHS hospital for treatment for both types.

I think she said she has to go to our local NHS hospital for her breast cancer treatment and the other NHS hospital for her throat cancer treatment, but I'm not sure which way round it is.

Both hospitals have merged, but they are still in their respective towns.

There's also a free shuttle bus that goes from our local hospital to the other NHS hospital and back again.

My friend said that she's going to the treatment centre at the other NHS hospital for one of her cancer treatments.

I did tell her that I wouldn't tell anyone else about what she told me, but I had to talk to someone else about it as I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.

  • Hi and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your friend.

    The sense of shock at any cancer diagnosis is really very common, so glad you reached out on here as "talking" in all it's variety is something that many found really helpful and of course sharing here keeps the confidence your friend has in you.

    It is not too unusual to find centres of expertise among different hospitals so it is not unusual to find different treatments in different hospitals. Two separate cancers is rather more unusual - more common being metastases - my wife for instance has a gynaecological cancer as mets in her lungs - Janice's cancer though is stable and has been that way for 6 years now.

    It might help you to look at Your feelings when someone has cancer because sometimes just recognizing how we might feel can be helpful in dealing with the emotions if and when they happen.



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