Mum just been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and secondary liver cancer

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi Everyone, 

I'm not even sure what to write on here. A week ago my mum was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and Liver Cancer. She has multiple tumours in her liver so has been told the only option is to try chemotherapy but there are no guarantees. I'm a 43 year old mother of two but really struggling to get my head around my mum being so seriously ill! We are currently waiting for an oncology appointment to find out what her treatment plan will be. 

I'm want to help and support both my mum and my dad through this awful time but not sure what is the right thing to do. 

  • Hi there,

    I’m in a very similar situation apart from it’s my Dad. 
    I’m really struggling to know exactly what’s going on. He’s had surgery to remove the primary cancer in his bowel and they were talking about surgery on his liver however there seems to be something somewhere else they are worried about. 
    We’re waiting for scan results.

    We’ve only been on this journey for 3 weeks (during which I got married and Dad had to miss it). Longest 3 weeks of my life!

    It’s such a challenging time isn’t it! You want to do everything you can for your parents but equally I can’t be in on the appointments so don’t feel armed with all the information! 

    I am finding this macmillan site really useful and have found lots of booklets through reading different threads. 

    Hang in there! Don’t loose hope. 

  • I am really sorry to hear you and your family are going through similar. It really is difficult. My brother and I really want to support our parents through my mum's journey. We are hoping her oncology appointment will come through soon. 

    I hope your dad gets further help soon.