Mam is declining rapidly and dad is struggling

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  • 19 subscribers

Just over a week ago my mam got told she was being referred to end of life as the cancer has spread considerably and she has fluid on one of her lungs and she's just too weak to have chemo or any procedure to remove the fluid. It was her birthday last week and since then she has gone down hill fast. My dad has been struggling trying to cope on his own, I try and stay over as much as I can just to be of some support. She has to have fluid drained from her abdomen every other day as it is. Other than the district nurse my dad has seen an end of life nurse once and he's been left on his own ever since. I think he's getting shafted a bit with the help he's supposed to get. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm really sorry to read that you mam has been referred for end of life care and can only begin to imagine what a difficult time this must be for the whole family.

    Macmillan has lots of useful information on how to access support and you might find this on getting support from health and social care professionals and also this about help from social services helpful in getting the support your mam and dad need. Your dad could also contact your mam's doctor as he/she is the person responsible for your mam's care and also for co-ordinating all the necessary help and support that is available now she's left hospital.

    I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you also join the supporting someone with incurable cancer group as you'll then be able to talk about your emotions, as well as practical issues, with others who have a loved one with an incurable diagnosis.

    If this is something that you'd like to do then clicking on the link will take you to the group where you can then join and post in the same way as you did here.


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