Day 1 Friday 13th

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Husband started today - Friday 13th (!) - with being diagnosed with Leukemia and ended the day with his first lot of Chemo.

  • I hope that your husband's first chemo session went as well as it can, MrsM! It's a daunting milestone to contend with, but it seems as though he has a wonderful and supportive wife by his side. You must have a lot going on in your mind, so please be gentle and patient with yourself - it's a lot to deal with x

  • I hope all went well with your husbands first chemo session. I can really relate and I will always hate the date Friday 13th. My daughter was diagnosed with ALL ( Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia ) on Friday 13th May and began her induction block of Chemo yesterday ( May 18th ) so I know how you are feeling right now.

    Her diagnosis came as a complete shock to us so we have spent the past 6 days just trying to wrap our head around what is happening. So much has happened in the 6 days from being told she had ALL to bone marrow extraction, blood tests, scans, being moved from Barts to our hospital in Yorkshire so she could be treated on a Teenage Cancer Trust unit, steroids and chemo yesterday. She is having her PICC line put in today and a lumbar puncture to have chemo directly into the spinal fluid and to check if it has spread to her brain and it is probably a good thing that so much is happening as when I do stop it catches up with me mentally and I don't know quite how to process this yet.

    I am so sorry for your own situation and I wish you and your husband well and I am sending love and positive vibes your way.

  • Sending you best wishes for your daughters treatment. We all go about our lives and then something like this happens. I’m still stunned. 

  • Hi

    My husband is 48 - I just can't imagine going through this with / as a teenager or child. So I am in awe of you being (or even just appearing) strong for your daughter. All this is so new to us all - the words ' PICC line' 'biopsy' etc were all just words from a TV medical series script - such a luxury (now I know) not to have use for them in my daily life until now!

    I said to my husband yesterday that all those 20p cakes at bake sales and 1 pound sponsored walk contributions - now we can see where this has all gone towards.

    I am trying to keep upbeat and see humour where possible - yesterday they wheeled an exercise bike into his room (walking 4 foot to the loo leaves him needing a lie down) so I assume it was to hang his dressing gown on (like the one we have at home)

    I am keeping busy with the practical things - making sure he has enough pjs / drinks / is his ipad charged - otherwise the emotional side will take over and that will be useless.

    We also have to learn how to be long stay hospital patients / visitors as neither of us have been in hospital before (only to have babies - but that is in & out !) He didn't want to unpack his bag at first (didn't want to make a mess) but he will be in for 3-4 months so it is long haul and he is quite happy to have the door shut but I am trying to encourage him to keep it open a bit as I don't want him 'cut off'.

    Positivity back at you in bucket loads x

  • Thanks so much for you kind words and best wishes Clare. I know what you mean, I think cancer hits us out of nowhere and it leaves us feeling very vulnerable and stunned. I am still in shock and know it will take time for it to become my new normal but I will get there with it and talking on here and finding people like you who truly understand really helps. Best wishes and love to you as well. 

  • Thanks so much for your lovely message Mrs M.

    Also thanks for the much needed laugh as well. I have an exercise bike in my bedroom atm and it is resembling a clothes horse.

    It is a shock to everybody going through cancer to have to become use to medical terms and I know more than I ever wanted to know about Leukaemia and that is in a week so by the end of the month I think I will be ready to graduate and become a doctor Stuck out tongue winking eye

    I am so sorry for your own situation with your husband and I wish both him and yourself all the very best for your own journey and I am always here if you want to talk and I understand exactly what you mean about basically moving into the hospital. We have had to do the same for our daughter she is in for a minimum 6 weeks but it could be as long as 3 months depending on how well the induction block of chemo goes. I am trying to use the time to be proactive and get her room painted for her and so far I have gone as far as looking through a paint chart and have narrowed it down to 9 colours so I am guessing it won't actually get painted but the good intention was there.

    All the best to you and love and a hug being sent. x x