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  • 20 subscribers

My amazing mum has just been diagnosed with cancer…. She is due to start radiotherapy soon. I feel a bit helpless and want to put a little package together for her but I don’t know where to start?! Any tips would be fantastic!! 

  • Hi and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your mum.

    Sorry I cannot share any great insights on radiotherapy as it is outside our experience but you would be welcome to post in our Radiotherapy - Discussion Forum where our friends with more experience might be able to provide some advice. It might be helpful if you could share the type of cancer she has as some effects can be quite specific.



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  • Hi Steve! 
    Thankyou so much for your reply. We have been told that she has tonsil cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes in her neck. Today she was told she will also be having chemo which is a bit of a blow. I wish I could be more useful but so I understand a lot of it is a waiting game.


  • Hi Carla,

    Sorry to hear that your mum has cancer and has  to have radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 

    My mum got diagnosed with breast cancer six weeks ago and she had her second lot of chemo yesterday. 

    The NHS are brilliant and your mum is in safe hands. They will look after her and make sure she gets everything she needs to fight the big C. 

    We did a care package too, these are some of the things we included:

    Magazines/puzzle books/colouring

    Journal so she could write down medication/treatment/symptoms etc although you can get a free macmillan one 

    Fluffy socks/hand warmer (to help keep your mum warm during her treatment)

    Mouth wash and spray (but alcohol free) 

    Lip balm (a natural one where possible)

    Healthy snacks for her treatment 

    Thermometer as she will need to check her temperature daily 

    Candles/bath bombs (natural if possible)

    We also did an open when when you need a laugh/open me when you need strength/open me when you want something to do etc. 

    Inside we put pictures or memories or just inspiring quotes. We asked mum's friends to contribute to this, my mum loved this. 

    I hope this helps. If you need any more information,please do get in touch. Unfortunately it's a long and difficult journey ahead but I'm sure you,your mum and your family have got the love and strength to get you through this! Remember not every day maybe positive but there is positive in every day!