Best Friend having Chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

My best friend is having chemo for breast cancer,  with covid I can't see her. I've been sending things to her,  lip balm,  ice pops,  rude colouring books to keep her entertained. The last round has made her really poorly and I want to send her things that would really help her. She found the ice pops and lip balm helpful, are there any other essentials that she would find helpful, useful, comforting??? Feeling so helpless. Thank you

  • Hi and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your friend.

    Knowing you care is perhaps the single most important thing you can do, even a simple text message sometimes helps and the idea of a rude colouring book makes me smile, I have found doing some colouring and also jigsaws great for helping me to relax.

    If you look at the Breast cancer forum there are bound to be lots of suggestions though one I have heard fairly regularly is ginger sweets as apparently they can help counter what is a fairly common metal taste in the mouth after chemotherapy.



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  • Hi Flamingo - I am the same - different cancer but feeling like I am not sure what to do for the best - I am also miles from her so can't visit.  I was going to make her a little box of goodies up and some great ideas below from src60.  I was going to add lip balm and hand moisturiser and also some warm socks and tissues.    I find the hardest part not know how much to contact her - I don't want her to think I am hounding her especially if she isn't feeling well but I want her to know I care and I am here for her - hoping to go see her in the next couple of weeks