Inoperable cancer and how to deal with supporting my friend

  • 3 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi all,

Where do I start. My good friend got diagnosed with breast cancer last year,  had a mastectomy then just under a year on what she thought was an infection under her scar was the cancer , it was back but had moved to her lymph nodes near her pelvis and behind her chest, and 3 more lumps in her back these being inoperable unlike the ones under her armpit. After a full body scan confirming these she then found a lump on her head , a brain scan confirming around 3 weeks ago it was a tumour...... 3 weeks of waiting for the 3 hospitals to confirm what treatment to be had and her passing out , quickly got a neither scan and  there are now 5 lumps and its within her brain lining which are again inoperable . The news we didn't want to hear . I am struggling to come to terms with the not knowing aspect and wanted any advice or guidance on people's experiences.  I'm hoping to go and visit this week when she is out of hospital but I just don't know how I will cope but feel I want to visit as things seem to have progressed quickly. 


  • Hi

    So sorry to hear about your friend and the amount of time it has taken to trace down all these tumours. It can feel like one moment they did not exist and the next they did and can make it appear that progression is very fast even when in practice is is certainly slower that that.

    I can relate to the struggle of not knowing as my wife never wanted a prognosis - after many years with cancer though I came to realise how smart she was, a prognosis is at best an educated guess based on outdated data and does not really say anything about life quality.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer it is easy to find something to relate to in not being able to cope. We often see friends on here talking about "I have to be brave/strong" but if only that were as easy to do as it is to type. It might help to look at Talking about cancer but also note she is still your friend.



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  • Thanks so much for commenting . It's gone from bad to worse, such a horrid disease .she is being sent home for end of life care and they have had to stop radio therapy as its making her worse. She's not in a good place but has requested to see me. Any advice would be great . They have said she has weeks at best . I think she has been in denial and has really kept alot of this to herself. 

  • After watching my mum deteriorate over the past five years and still be saying a big FU to it. I think that you can only be honest there's somtething about end of life that suddenly lifts the nonsense out of the way. They are in as much shock as you. Just be there but be real it'll be rough but the memories will be worth it. Laugh and enjoy the moments.  All the hugs this is rough times