My mum is dying

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  • 19 subscribers

Hello all, where do I start…. Ok so a very positive note is that my mum was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer and secondary Brian tumour in 2005 and was told she would be lucky to live 3 months, well let me tell u she fought with all she had and went through massive treatments but up until 8 weeks ago she lived well and survived all that time even though her cancer is terminal and always has been.

now the crappy part, mum had a fall 8 weeks ago and although was awful for mum as she had to spend a week in hospital and a fractured wrist I thought it could of been worse…. Well I spoke to soon she came home and she just wasn’t right it’s like she forgot how to walk and she just kinda sat in chair and sleep at first I thought ok so what she went through was traumatic for her and she lost confidence in herself which is completely understandable but after 3 weeks as home one morning she just didn’t seem right at all she knew what she wanted to say but it’s not what came out then she kept wetting herself and that didn’t seem to bother mum! And let me tell u my mother is so proud and independent for this not to bother her. Off to hospital we go and frankly all I sort of remember is the cancer has changed size and spread back in brain possibly in the spine and bone and apart from steroids there is no more options available to mum so we are looking at weeks to months of life left!

im broken…. I don’t know where to turn. I feel numb and I feel like an awful daughter. I live in Kent mum is in Norfolk so I can’t visit everyday and I don’t get to speak to mum daily either. Frankly I think I am in denial. The hospital want to discharge mum home which is what she wants but are awaiting for care to be put in place which is taking so long in the mean time I feel like I’ve lost mum already. Once mum is home I can go to mums for week at a time which is great so I get to spend time with mum. 
mall theses years we as a family took for granted and now the time is near its frightening I suffer greatly with mental health issues and mum has been my anchor now I’ll be alone. I don’t want to lose my mum 

  • Hi

    So sorry to read about your mum and the challenges around getting her care sorted. Unfortunately the care sector was a real challenge before covid and things just keep getting more and more difficult.

    I am so glad you posted here, while we may never meet the Macmillan community is a great family and can help to support us in our time of greatest need. Perhaps the drawback with that family though it we get to be a bit more familiar with people dying. Our mum though is always special and I feel privileged that my parents wedding photo hangs proudly in our living room.



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