I’m trying really hard but struggling

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im new hear and really struggling tonight. I am an only child and am trying really hard to support my mum & dad (dad has stage 4 lower oesophagus cancer and lymphoma) I have been going to that gym to keep myself sane, trying to eat healthy aswell as checking mum & dad every day. Mum had stroke couple of weeks ago and dad had to go last week to hospital for stent in stomach. 
my home life is awful, my marriage has been horrible for last 10 years (narcissistic husband) and this week I’ve had tonsillitis as I’m very low at the moment. But I still try and look after myself to stop myself drowning. 
my daughter, her boyfriend and their puppy have temporarily moved in and as I’ve not been very well this week I’ve been quiet. I went to bed early on Sunday, worked late all evening Monday and Tuesday so tonight was the first night I have seen my daughter. She has been ignoring me tonight, laughing with my husband and her boyfriend excluding me from conversations like I’m invisible. When I tried to have a conversation with her she just shut me down and gave me dirty look then accused me of being with attitude all week. I am astonished and told her I’ve been poorly all week. Her boyfriend stood up and said she has a lot on at the moment! To which I replied ‘I’ve not been very well this week, my dad is dying and my mum has had a stroke’

Ive asked them to leave by the weekend as I can’t he treated like this in my own home 

I feel like I’m being punished for being poorly and seen to be weak so I’m easy target

I feel really lonely & don’t have any support or anyone to talk to as I don’t want to trouble my mum or dad,

  • Hi @max52,

    Sorry to hear about everything that is happening to you, I can certainly understand you feeling like you are being punished and of course with being ill too  your resources for helping others will be extra low.



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