How to deal with new diagnosis

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  • 17 subscribers

Hi, my mum recently got diagnosed with breast cancer, they think they have caught it early and are looking at a positive recovery after treatment. I've just been struggling with who in my life I want to talk to and know. I don't want people to start treating me differently. I talked to my mum about this and she understood and said she felt the same, hence only telling a small number of people. I can't talk about it without crying and as I am still at school would like to have friends there who know and who I can go to if I need. I just don't want to feel like I am going to upset them or make them treat me differently. My mum wants to just carry on as usual just with the knowledge a few things will inevitably change for a while. Any advice?

  • Sorry to hear of your mums diagnosis. My mum has also recently had a diagnosis and wishes to keep it to a very small circle (us girls and partners as well as my dad), whilst I completely understand it does make talking about your feelings harder. Trust in a very close friend or two that you completely trust to be there for you and keep it to themselves, you will need the support as much as your mum. If that is not possible what about speaking to a professional or the support line on here? 

    Sending best wishes to both you and your mum.