Mums lung cancer diagnosis and now we may have visited with Covid

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

So the last couple of weeks have been hard, my Mum has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer which is inoperable and and we spent the weekend with as I want to be as close a possible, my husband has now tested positive for Covid this evening, seemingly contracted on Friday night and I'm so worried this is going to make her really unwell or prove really serious, on the other hand if we only have limited time left then I can't stand to not see her.

  • HI

    Sorry to hear about your mum and indeed your husband. Is your mum going to have any kind of treatment for the lung cancer -  if we look at the main site here there are a range of possible treatments.

    Has your mum had her covid vaccinations? If so the statistics suggest any covid might be not severe but on the other side of that coin worth being alert and talking to the doctors early.

    A question many ask is "how long" - but the truth is nobody really knows. The oncology team can make a guess based on averages - but who is average?

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of what I went through - cannot always make it easier but somehow it can help us feel a bit more "normal" in the most extraordinary of times. The big plus I found from the community is here we understand how hard it can be and hopefully stand together in the face of this storm.



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  • Hi Steve thanks for your reply. 

    mum is waiting for an oncologist appointment and it’s hoping to be started on inhibitors soon, just a waiting game at the moment. Has spread to lymph node on opposite side so considered inoperable. 

    yes she has had covid jabs so fingers crossed not too bad. 

    Thank you for the links I will have a read through, the range of emotions I have felt in a short few weeks is phenomenal, god knows how my mum is coping with it!!