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Hi and hello to you all 

my daughter 32 has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is currently going through Radiotherapy treatment she was diagnosed in 2018 with bowl cancer and after chemo /Radiotherapy and operations we are now stable with the Bowl . The diagnosis for lung cancer has shot me to pieces . We are extremely close and I keep her upbeat everyday but I’m so scared for her as everyone else on here I’m just looking for advice and support as this time around the radiotherapy is so much harsher on her and it’s so heartbreaking to watch her go through all this with the horrible side effects . Just looking for guidance and support from all you lovely people 

  • Hi and welcome to our family and friends group. My experience is with my wife's cancer but can definitely relate to the impact it has on us. Sometimes with Janice it seemed she was in a bit of a fog and perhaps not so aware of what was happening where to me I could see every little thing that was happening.

    I ended up doing a living with less stress course - the tips on living in the here and now  and appreciating what we have were very helpful since I could invent lots of things that could go wrong. Things that did happen of course I could never have guessed and the conscious breathing exercises  were great at dealing with the unexpected emergencies. Transcendental meditation though did not really work for me.

    One trick perhaps is to remember that however much the effect we see on our loved ones the effect on the cancer cells is many times worse, It is definitely worth keeping an eye on the side effects though - especially a high temperature - as that can mean a trip to cancer triage and of course a possible stay in hospital - Janice had a few of these.

    Keep talking is perhaps the most important tip of all and it is totally amazing how it can help us all feel part of a big team and less alone.



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  • Hi Steve 

    thank you for your support and advice I will certainly look into taking the here and now course it sounds like it would help . 
    Sue x