Mams getting worse

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  • 19 subscribers

I’m really struggling. My mams been diagnosed stage 4 lung & bone. She started chemo & came around amazing! But lately has taken a turn, refusing to eat etc it’s like she’s throwing the towel in. Myself & my dad are trying our best. My brothers heart is breaking. 
my question is - how do I keep it together? To keep my father & brother strong

mums in hospital atm so I am hopeful she will come out bigger, better & stronger. But I feel like I’m mentally preparing for the worst already :-( 

this is such a soul destroying disease. I’m a young woman with no children yet, not married etc. I keep thinking what do I do if these milestones happen in my life without my mother. I really hate this disease & the world right now. 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your mam but glad to hear you have a father and brother so help share the load. The being strong bit is often a challenge for us all and it is much easier to say than to do.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer we can see how common our feelings are. Cancer often makes us feel alone and disconnected from the world when we know really it is quite common - not a great subject for a dinner party though.

    What I know I suffered from some is pre-grief - figuring out how I would cope in the future without my wife rather than appreciate both what we had and also still have. 



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