Nan, recently diagnosed.

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

My nan was diagnosed a few weeks ago, with ovarian cancer. It's been a long process for us all and doctors to finally say it is cancer. She has more tests next week regarding it but we have just found out from her chest xrays that she had at the same time that she has some fluid in her lung and abdomen, and when I've done some research on the " cancer research page" and also macmillan page, nothing was looking promising.

All of us as a family are heart broken and just feel so empty. My poor little nan hasn't fully accepted it but she keeps telling me how terrified she is. Everything is just worse with being so far away from her. I'm not coping well with it at all. I'm going through every emotion but doing my best to keep strong for my nan. Any advice on how to cope, process all of this and also how to make my nan feel more (I don't even know what word to use)... I don't know, I'll say supported.. I hope you know what I'm trying to ask... Thank you in advance. I hope I am able to learn ways of how to cope and also have somewhere to vent my emotions too with this forum x

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your nan - I can very much relate to a long diagnosis and when the doctor finally says cancer it sometimes seems thown about fairly casually. 

    I would guess you would relate to quite a bit in Your feelings when someone has cancer and often people feel cut off from everyone around us. I tried the keeping strong bit and broke but then found Maggies and Macmillan that really helped me. One of the wonderful things I did was a living with less stress course and a key takeaway was that I was in a state of pre-grief - mourning the loss of my wife rather than appreciating what we have every day. 

    Do post on here whenever - someone is always listening and understand, we sure make a great team.



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