Prostate and bone cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers


my partner has just been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to his bones . He does not know whether to have chemo as is concerned about the quality of his life . We have only been together 6 months . He has been told 2 to 3 years which could be extended by 15 months by having the chemo . He is worried that by having the chemo he could be more of a burden on me ( which zi don’t feel) .

Thank you for your time 

  • Hi

    This is a really common concern around everyone facing the prospect of chemotherapy.

    He might like to look at our guide on making treatment decisions 

    One of the issues that carers often face is supporting our loved ones no matter what their decision is. Than can be really challenging when we feel they are making a decision we might not feel is the best. 

    My wife's cancer is very different, she has had two rounds of chemo. The first was something of an adventure and made her quite ill but the docs managed to fix that and then the second has rendered her cancer stable - for 6 years now. 20-20 hindsight is a great adventure but we do not regret the decisions we made.



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  • Thanks Steve . You are right about support - even when it’s not what you agree with . We will take a look at the treatment decisions .