Dreading scan results

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers
  1. Hi everyone. New here. Don't really know how much to share. My little sis gets her scan results next week as to whether the horrendous experience of radiotherapy for incurable cancer has made any difference to her prognosis. I'm expecting broadly two outcomes. 1. Yes it has. It's reduced the progression but we can't say when it will come back/progress further. 2. No it hasn't. Neither is good news although one is arguably 'better' than the other. Either way, it's all devastating. I'm struggling to come to terms with it all. Not sure I ever will. It's just a bit overwhelming some times. No question to the community as such. Just comforting to know that I can share this in a place of understanding and acknowledgement. Sending love and support to all of you who can relate to this. X
  • Hi and welcome to our club - I can really relate though my wife had chemo rather then radio. In my wife's case the doctors did not give that much hope for the chemo but rather to their surprise has cancer appears to have gone to sleep - six years down the line she still has cancer but now the doctors seem to think she is doing so well she no longer even needs monitoring apart from by our GP.

    I have been something of a wreck at times but I did a living with less stress course that really helped me. Emotions are perhaps closer to the surface than before so sometimes I have to practice a bit more self control and some good news stories do bring tears of happiness to my eyes - but I can cope with love overflowing.

    Glad you find being here helpful and love and support right back at you.



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