Feeling so alone

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone, I am from Australia and currently feeling very alone in London. My son, who lives here with his partner, was diagnosed with cancer a month before the arrival of his first child. I arrived here to look after them all a week later. Before I left Australia I was a mess, crying inconsolably and so angry. Once I arrived here and we had the focus of the impending birth and my sons surgery, I coped a lot better. Now that my granddaughter is 6 weeks old (and she’s adorable!), my son is working while waiting for radiation treatment to begin, and my help is barely required, I am a big mess again. 
I’m wondering if there are any support groups (face to face) I could link in with?


  • Hi Alice, such a difficult situation you find yourself in, I hope your son is responding well to his treatment, it’s often after the initial crisis that we start to process actually what has happened to us. Lots of face to face groups have been suspended in my area, Buckinghamshire, but there may be some. The hospital that you son is being treated at normally have a list of support groups in the area. A call to Macmillan may identify a local group. Some hospitals have a Macmillan centre or a Maggies on site and they provide support and will be able to tell you of local groups. All the best to you x

  • It's so hard I know my husband just got diagnosed with tonsil cancer and we are waiting for the start. He's had bloods taken, CT scans , x rats, operation and now chemo and radiotherapy awaits us. It's the most stressful time. I think what's helped us although we feel in shock is take one day at a time. If your waiting to be needed try a hobbie or gym or walking that's good for you. Be good to yourself and fill your cup up so when your needed,  you will be ready and healthy and fit to help. Take care x