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  • 20 subscribers

My friend was diagnosed with cancer around a year and a half ago. I have put a huge amount into her and her recovery but recently I have started to feel angry because I don’t feel like she did her best at life. She always hold herself back. I know these are terrible thoughts but they keep going round in my head. I don’t know why I feel angry. I feel emotionally drained. I know it’s not her fault or anything she is ‘doing,’ but I feel like I have reached my limit in terms of what the cancer does - i.e life is so different now - for me as well as her. I have lost a dear friend and it just goes on and on - more chemo, more this and more that. I can’t see an end to it. I miss my friend and am still choosing to be there for her and I know I am being selfish but I feel like I don’t have anything else to give at the moment. What with the pandemic as well I feel like I would love things to be back to normal. 

  • Oh god I’m sorry you feel like this and sure you have done your very very best at supporting your friend. All I can say is I’m sure there’s a carer forum on here you could join too. Someone there will maybe feel your message and help you with your feelings as I’m sure a lot of people struggle. 

  •  Smails Being the person who is having the treatment is even harder than being the person who is watching. My advice would be to look after yourself if you feel burnt out and let your friend find support from another person. I feel for you both and I can hear In your post that you are drained so for your mental health it's time to go. You have done what you can , you clearly can't do anymore. Let you friend live her own life her own way she can only do things her own way and it would be better for her to be free of any negitivity that you may unknowing be bringing to her. Best wishes to you both may you both have peace this Christmas time. Jayne X 

  • Thank you so much. X