Recent diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 16 subscribers

My mum got diagnosed on 3rd November she originally said it was stage 4 lymphoma but then told us that it was lung cancer not curable but treatable.  She then was kept in hospital overnight on 23rd December as she had been falling and was sent for an MRI and has now been told it has spread to her brain.  I’ve not Had chance to get my head around the original diagnosis so to then be hit with this just before Christmas has been really difficult.  We don’t live in the same town any more but managed to meet up yesterday for dinner and I was shocked by how ill she was looking.  I did get upset in front of her and she has asked me to be strong as that is what she is doing.  Any one got any tips for cutting on a brave face and having the strength to support the other person when you are feeling devastated by what is happening.

  • I'm really sorry to hear about your Mum's diagnosis. My Mum was also diagnosed with lung cancer around the same time. 

    It's really hard to put a brave face on it and I've been questioning whether I should do that or just be true to myself. A friend recently said to me that I needed to be brave and positive for Mum. It's widely believed that a positive outlook will, if nothing else, help a little in coping mentally with it all. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikita_UK

    Sorry to hear about your mum.  It is really hard as you want to do what you can to help and support them.  At the moment I think I am still coming to terms with both the early diagnosis and the most recent one.  

  • Absolutely, it's a hard balance to find. I find there are good days and bad days. Maybe for you at the moment is a series of bad days and things will, not get easier, but become more manageable for a time. 

    Make sure you look after yourself too though - it's a bit cliche but making sure you get enough sleep and eating properly. In the early days of Mum's diagnosis I didn't shower for days, stopped eating proper meals and was up at all hours of the morning and I found that all made it harder. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikita_UK

    It probably hasn’t helped that I fractured my humerus on 31/10, had an operation to put in a plate the day after the first diagnosis and have been struggling to sleep properly since.  Doing physio so hopefully things will get back to normal and I will be able to sleep more comfortably.