Emotional rollercoaster

  • 5 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Does anyone else feel like they are an emotional rollercoaster and that you can’t get off!?!

Good news then bad news then worse news then back to ok again!

  • Hi Sueant

    I hear you!  I've been riding that rollercoaster since Sept 2020 and there will be a few members around here who have ridden it a lot longer. 

    Yes it's a rough ride but the good thing about this group is that we're all in it together and we all "get it."

    My husband was diagnosed with a grade 4 brain tumour almost 16 months ago and the rollercoaster ride started... and continues. 

    I've drawn a lot of support from this group and  Carers only forum - Macmillan Online Community. There's always someone around who understands where friends and family perhaps can't. Always someone to offer a virtual hug when its needed too.

    It’s always good to talk so remember you can call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    Personally, I find I cope better taking it one day at a time and if its a rough day, one hour or task at a time. Self-care and taking time to recharge your batteries is essential. It's not being selfish. Even if its jut 10 minutes to sit and read a book with a coffee or to walk round the block, it helps. I also journal a lot too. When you see the thoughts/feelings/fears written down they seen less scary.

    Not sure if that's helped any but please be reassured, you're not alone. Sending you a huge virtual hug. Stay strong. Stay positive.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Definitely and was sleeping 8 or 9 hours and now 6. My husband just got told they think he has cancer and he's off for a tonsillectomy 4th Jan. None of our friends or family know... because we didn't want to ruin Christmas.  We only found out this week emotionally I feel so up and down. So in short or actually long yes it's an emotional roller coaster.  My husband has a massive lump in his lymph glands as well so although they said it's treatable via radiotherapy I'm hoping n praying they are right as they won't know 100% till the operation and another dopler scan biopsy given last was suspicious but inconclusive.  The ENT specialist says its suspicious and he thinks its cancer...

  • Hi Sueant , we have been on this roller coaster since thd beginning of August   my hubby was diagnosed with Oesophogeal cancer t3 n2 m0  , has has had 3 courses of flot chemo ,date was set for 11th Jan for his op .then he went for a 2nd pet scan then told yesterday they can no longer do the operation because the cancer has spread to his kidney and hip . It has totally knocked us sideways , we have 3 children aged 21, 19 and our youngest is just 4   today has been the hardest so far  every time I look at her I want to cry ,  my eldest 2 are totally  devastated we don't know how bad it is or what treatment they will do yet . The waiting , not knowing is the hardest thing ever  and on top of christmas . I have tried sooo hard today to keep it together fof everyone  xxx 

    I hope you news continues to improve .merry Christmas xx 

  • FormerMember

    Yes, I'm exactly the same. I'm so sorry. 

  • Yes I feel like that. My friend had a lot of chemo and then told us it had stopped, and then without warning it started again and it’s been another 6 months. I feel like I have no control and that I am just in the dark with everything. I ask her for details all the time but the treatment moves so quickly that it feels like I am gasping for air.