Husband with neck lump suspected cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi my husband has a neck lump and he had had a urgent referral and CT scan and doplar biopsy. Today he was told the surgeon specialist thinks its cancer and so they are removing his tonsils. They think it's spread to his lymph glands but say they think it's curable and may need radiotherapy.. I'm in shock and I've felt upset and angry today I am devastated.  

  • Hi @sammas and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your husband.

    Your reactions are pretty much totally normal; good news in that they think it is curable and of course everyone gets worried about radio therapy. Many people find it easier once treatment gets started and often slip in to a new routine - even if it was never a routine we thought we would have to deal with.

    There are some tips in Supporting a family member with cancer than can be helpful. Of course a key element is actually being on the right path having started out by getting things checked out.



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