My mum has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer

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Good Afternoon,

My mum has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is currently in hospital still and does not know the full extent of the cancer.

Im really struggling to deal with her diagnosis and the wait to find out more information. I’m constantly thinking of the worst and feel like my whole world is caving in. I’m not sleeping and can’t constraint on anything else. It’s a complete nightmare.

I hold it together every time I speak with my mum but just want to breakdown and cry. I need my mum more than ever but she needs me to be strong for her.

I just want everything to go back to the way it was. 

    1. I am afraid it never will. What you will get is a new sense of normal. The cancer cells are not eradicated from the body. They just lie dormant. Take comfort in fact that some one out here understands what you are going through. Your mom needs you more than ever now. This is your chance to thank her for giving you life and bringing you up. I myself have spent the last 5 years fightinging lung cancer. This may sound strange, try praying to God. What do you have to lose. You may well be surprised. It does not have to be a long surfisticated one. Just lay your heart before Him. Tell Him how you feel. God bless 
  • Hi Nicky36,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mum.

    I can completely relate. My dad has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. I completely know how you feel with the waiting for more information.

    As with most people I imagine, we were drip fed bits of information each week. First the endoscopy where they told us they suspected it was cancer...then a wait for another appointment a week later to find out the biopsy those which confirmed the cancer, then another week wait to find out if it had spread...found out it had, and then another week wait to find out the extent and the treatment plan.

    I found it so emotionally exhausting constantly counting down to these appointments. I dreaded each and every one, and was hating that the days were passing by and we were getting closer to the appointment dates. I have spent so much time googling things to try to reassure myself, but it normally makes me feel worse.

    I was the opposite with sleep, in that I sleep a lot as it's the only time my brain can switch off from the worry. One day I found it hard it get out of bed at all, I just felt so sad about the thought of losing my dad.

    Like you I was constantly imagining the worst. My boyfriend and brother kept telling me to try to focus on something else, but its so hard. And I also feel guilty if I'm not thinking about it.

    The thing i was really worried about was getting the prognosis, but my dad decided he didnt aant to know, which actually calmed me down a bit as I thought we just have to take it one step at a time.

    He started his chemo this week, but I'm already worrying about his next ct scan (which I assume will be a few weeks down the line), as I know I will get myself worked up again thinking the worst that it hasn't worked.

    I too want everything to go back to the way it was before cancer came into our lives. It all feels so unfair.

    I know I havent been much help as I dont have any tips on how to cope with the worry, but just thought you might find some comfort in knowing someone else has been feeling the same.

    I'm wishing you all the best and I hope your mum's results are as positive as they can be.

    And remember there is always hope. xx

  • Thank you for your kind words and Sorry to hear about your fight. It’s is really comforting to know there are people out there that understand. I felt better yesterday after writing my first message and feel even more better reading what you have written. 
    I have been speaking with my mum daily but I’m yet to speak about the good times we’ve had together. I think I may start writing them down. She is in good spirits and It’s reassuring to know this. 
    thank you again for replying and god bless 

  • Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear about your dad. it is very comforting to hear from someone else that is going through this. I think talking with others is going to help me a lot. 
    slept better last night and felt better today but still have the dread feeling and very bad headache. 
    It’s a roller coaster of a ride but My mum is taking this all better than me. 

    hope you get some reassuring news at his next ct scan. 

  • Sorry to hear about your mum.  I can relate to the feelings you have as my mum was diagnosed with cancer spring 2021.  I found the lack of information frustrating because covid restrictions meant I couldn’t be at the hospital (just my dad) and my mum wasn’t taking much of it in so I was getting fed little bits of information which all sounded completely awful! 

    but you do get through that bit with some time and then you adjust to the news and move on to the next stage.  My mum has had chemo and is now due an operation so whilst it’s still a worrying time, she is also feeling and looking for much better.

    cancer isn’t easy but there are so many things they can do now which is a positive, and you also don’t realise how many people are dealing or have dealt with it until you find yourself in that position.  I find coming on here helpful, as at least there are people who understand how you feel.

    sending you and your mum all the love x