Struggling with mums cancer diagnosis

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  • 15 subscribers

Hi, my mum was told she had cancer 2 days before Xmas last year which was heartbreaking. Spent the festive period worrying as she had various scans and a biopsy and then wondering whether it was treatable or had it spread which took a toll on me emotionally. She had chemo and radiotherapy and is schedule to have regular CT and MRI scans. I know it is great that after the first scan it all seemed to be gone but I am terrified of it returning and don't know how to deal with it. I know I should be positive but there is a little voice at the back of my head that makes me worry after every scan waiting for the dreaded results. Does anyone else feel like this and have ways in which they cope? Thanks 

  • FormerMember

    Hello, sending you hugs during this time. My mum was diagnosed with cancer this year and started treatment today. It’s all really scary, I’m feeling increasingly worried as the days go by. Personally I’m trying to accept that it’s natural for me to feel worried and anxious, I’m trying to provide myself space to feel that and be okay with it. Then I try to reflect on what I know and the resources we have (e.g. the treatment, doctors, etc.), as it can feel easier to acknowledge what I do know as opposed to what I don’t (or questioning what ifs). Sometimes talking to those around me about it helps. Sometimes spending time with mum (she’s a really positive person) helps. Other times I keep busy (although not sure how helpful that is, but it keeps me distracted). These are just some ways I’m trying to cope. I also hope that all of us in this group can support each other during these difficult times Heart️