Struggling for Christmas...

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Last month my Grandmother was diagnosed with secondary bone cancer. We didn't know she had a primary cancer, and it hasn't been identified. She had no typical symptoms - the only reason she was in hospital was because she had cellulitis in one of her legs, and the various scans/tests diagnosed the cancer. She's 88, and has been living in a care home for the last two years. She doesn't know she has cancer - her dementia makes it difficult for her to retain information, and being told she only has a few months at most, we've decided not to tell her or subject her to harsh treatments, and instead we're just focused on making her as comfortable as possible. 

She might not be able to spend her last Christmas with us, both because of the Covid situation and that she's now in a wheelchair and unable to stand. We're trying to find a way to have her join us, even for a few hours, but we have to wait and see how she is doing nearer the time. 

She's the last person on my Christmas list. I don't know what to buy her, but I know I want to give her something special, something that makes her realise how much she means to me, to all of us, but without making it obvious that we know this is her last Christmas with us. 

Does anyone have any ideas? I'd appreciate suggestions. 

Thank you :-)