Lung cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 20 subscribers
  1. Hi. I met someone a year ago. We have had an on off relationship. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I'm devastated but just dont know where I stand. Shall I leave or shall I stay. My emotions are all over the place. He pushes me away then pulls me in. 
  • Hi 

    What a very difficult position for you to be in . Wanting to be supportive but not knowing if that’s welcome or not .

    Emotions are amplified at this time also . If you want to phone our helpline staff 0808 808 0000 they are really good at helping with the emotional aspects of a diagnosis .

    You can only ever do your best and have to also consider your own well being .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000