Terminal Cancer Chemo stopped cancer growing at 2 to 3 mm per month

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  • 19 subscribers

Hello, today I received the devastating news that there is no further treatment my dad can receive and that his cancer is growing at 2 to 3 mm per month. This is very fresh news and I've hardly digested exactly what in means. I'm wondering if anyone else received news with this growth rate and what is means. Thank you 

  • I’m so sorry for your sad news and I know how you will be feeling. No matter what the growth rate is it’s going to be hard to live with the uncertainty of cancer.. I have never actually heard of growth rate from a consultant but I know you will be worried. My dad passed in January this year. He was 83 and had a good life and although I miss him dearly I  am relieved he is no longer suffering.

    phone the consultants secretary and ask for a phone consultation as you have questions or contact your specialist nurses. Much love to you Heart️