Do I go against kids dads and grans wishes and tell my kids

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  • 15 subscribers
  • My kids dads dad was diagnosed in early October sadly nothing got set in place until week so ago and sadly by then grandad has deteriorated. In hospital, off all meds and we've had 2 calls today to come in as hes not good. Gran took a panic spell and spent hour in a and e too.  Am stuck at home with two ill kids so I cant do much except grab there shopping when I shop. Anyways kids dad said not to let kids know  there aware hes been ill as seen his jaundice and when he was becoming bed riden 2 weeks ago. Well dad did say today that both grandparents were in hospital. Now am wondering if I tell the kids. I have said grandads really sick. Or do I keep to there dads wishes and leave the news for now. Its sadly looking like not going be long for grandad. My kids are really close to him were there weekly. Oldest more so. Two of my kids have possible autism to oldest who will probably understand and be affected most whos 9 and my daughter who's 8 we know she may nkt understand as she struggles with academic things and takes time and patience to help her retain basic things youngest is 6 and smart as a button and highly sensitive to vibes to. I am autistic so I want to tell them as I know the unknown is hard. Already alot routines changed. I don't think fair for kids to go see him though as hes not great and isn't aware anymore and today has stopped talking.