Third time unlucky? Back on the Fast Track after two cancers with a years between them.

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Just offloading here. Hubby had a radical neck dissection for throat cancer a couple of years ago, and then was diagnosed in March with tongue cancer - delayed diagnosis due to phone consultations only during covid. We have four children, who were really scared at the recent diagnosis. He has had two tongue ops in April and June, and his tongue is looking good from a cancer point of view now.

Unfortunately he started getting pains and problems in new places about a month ago. He was seen for follow up on Wednesday (delayed by a few months due to covid), and they found a "bobbly" area just above his larynx, which needs biopsying asap, and MRI.

Since his appointment Wednesday he has been getting more symptomatic of cancer, and he thinks he will be back on that treadmill again. I do too. We are scared of what will happen next. We are battle weary from the previous two cancers and the prolonged recovery. Three times now, he has had to relearn to eat. Our children are 6, 9, 12 and 15, and it would be the most awful thing ever, to tell them that he has cancer again. Things are also tight financially - he starts a phased return to work next week after 6 months off, and we can't afford to drop to half his wage if he doesn't return. I am just back at work after a few months at home looking after the family. In March we had hoped his critical illness insurance would support us, but it turns out it only pays out again after 5 years cancer-free (even though it was a different cancer).

Has anyone else had a journey like this? What can I be doing practically?

Thankyou for reading my moan xx 

  • Hi

    Well it would be nice to be able to wave a wand and make everything ok but that does not look likely to happen. It might help to ring the helpline here to have a chat with one of the finance advisers who may well be able to help. I know some banks too have linked with Macmillan to be rather more cancer friendly than some.

    For your children I guess you have already been down the talking about cancer but it might be worth a quick review and of course talk to their schools to ensure they get support there too.

    Moan here whenever you want because together we make a great team.



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