Mum diagnosed with tumour in the bowel today

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I feel a little premature posting this but my mum was diagnosed with a tumour in her large bowel today. I feel premature as we don't know the details yet of where this will go. I am praying for a miracle, even though I don't know who or what I'm praying too. At this moment I will accept anyone / thing if they can make my mum better. 

I just feel so numb and utterly devastated for my mum. She is way to young (69) and vibrant for any of this carry on. 

I know I'm still not understanding what is actually happening. I know in theory there is a long road to go,but I really just can't take it in. 

My mum just complained of being tired....that's it, no pain,nothing.....she got a blood test last week and 2 hours later they whipped her into hospital for a blood transfusion, then today out of what seems very little and from being looks like bowel cancer. Well they said it is colon cancer, we just need to wait on tests to understand severity. 

I feel a fraud posting this when so many are actually dealing with the reality of daily living with cancer , but if anyone has any experience or understanding of where I am, I would love to hear your thoughts. 


Hopeful x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andream

    Sorry to hear about your mum and what you are going through. I don't think it's too early to reach out on this site as I am sure it will help you as it has me. My mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer 5 years ago. She is 74 now.  I remember how worrying the period was between being told the diagnosis and waiting to find out details of exactly what it was and what the treatment would be.   Once there was a treatment plan in place we found it easier to deal with. The waiting was the worst bit! Following the treatment (surgery and chemo in my mums case) my mum is cancer free. I hope our experience gives you some peace of mind and hope. On a practical level i would suggest that someone attends your mums appointments with her and takes notes and asks questions. Taking notes was really helpful as often my mum didn't take in the information she was given at the time or would only recall bits of it. She doesn't have memory problems, it was just too much to take in. I wish you and your mum and family all the best.

  • Good morning Andream7878 and welcome to the community. Sorry to hear about your mum and the position you find yourself in. It is understandable that you are worried for her. It is not nice knowing a loved one is ill. Bear in mind that many cancers are treatable and the earlier caught the better. The early days of not knowing and uncertainty can be the worst. Once your mum gets a true diagnosis and a treatment plan, things tend to get slightly easier as you know something positive is happening and there is something to focus on. Once you know the full story, there are people on here with experience of treatment and will be able to offer support. You can also use this forum to express your own feelings. Hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to rily

    Thank you very much for your responses and apologies for delay in replying. 

    It seems all we have had is delays.... pet / MRI/ ultra scans.... it's utterly exhausting for me....never mind mum. 

    Since the bowel diagnosis, it has been numerous tests for everything else ..... we are currently waiting to find out if lung biopsy is linked to bowel. 

    I swear, before all this, mum felt healthy... now, without any actual symptoms, she is destroyed.... waiting for she puts it!! 

    The pet scan showed......lung/ liver/ original bowel....

    We've been up and down so many times. Our consultant has been incredible. 

    As it stands, we are waiting for final confirmation that cancer has spread....and it is not separate cancers!!  I understand that this is prob final waiting hurdle for most..... we have been waiting 3 months!!

    From no symptoms to plenty# love you xx

  • My friend is just in the same place and I am waiting for details,  test results, prognosis  treatment and a plan.  Thank you for sharing your experience.   Reading it really calmed me.