Feeling down

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  • 15 subscribers

I know I come here alot when I'm down but I'm down alot and have no one. I dreed getting up each day the weather is bad even if it wasnt I dont want to go out as I cant afford to get sick this close to starting treatment . I am all over I dont know how to feel. I feel angry, disappointed, scared , like a failure I just dont know. This sitting around all the time waiting and no one to wait with .. I'm so lonely and sad I just dont know.. I dont know how to feel or who to talk to.

They say call the support line and talk but that really doesnt help any to be honest . Sometimes I just wish I'd not wake up. I know that sounds horrible but I just dont know anymore. I dont feel I have any friends that arent online none of my family are here just my kids and they have lifes and the 2 that are at home.well ones a gamer and the other we dont get alone with each other. I just want to feel normal or something close to it. Cant go out cause may get chest infection and if that happens i want get treatment started.. i feel like it's a losing battle no matter what i do. 

  • I cant even imagine how hard it must be. I just think its amazing you strive to get up each day and are grateful. I try and I know I should be but some days I struggle.  Today is the struggle of getting a sick note for work I called last week but they want so it till.one has run out. Crazy I think as they know I cant go in right now. Hope u have the most amazing day

  • Yes it’s hard sometimes, but what else should I do? I had a team of very skilled surgeons save my life and I need to live it now, no matter how hard it gets. I have far more good days than bad, and I’m not a quitter! In hospital recently a doctor told me they see far better results through treatment and recovery from patients who maintain a positive attitude so that’s what I try to do. 

    I do feel I’m in charge of how I live my life and am responsible for making it the best it can be.

    I’m aware that lots of people have tried to help you out with suggestions on things you could do. Have you tried any of them? is there nothing you could try that might help you feel better? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I try alot of them and I have good days then I have days where my 19 yr old turns everything around and makes me feel like the bad person she thinks I am . We dont get along so that adds to everything.  I know alot of people on here have given great advice but it's hard when ur alone and have no one.. and the ones u have the closet make u feel like crap every day. Honest the 19 yr old makes me wish I didnt wake up shes not nice at all.. but I apologize if it looks like I dont try what people suggest cause I do. I try alot of different things so far no good..I hope u have a wonderful day

  • I’m glad you’ve tried some of the things suggested. I just wondered because it seemed like every day is very difficult for you. It must be very hard to live with your daughter if you don’t get along-I’ve no experience of that as my daughters both left home at 18 to go to uni. I don't have anything I can suggest to make that any easier I'm afraid. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • She makes me wish I were dead to be real honest with ya. Truly makes me feel horrible for asking for her help.. like today I've asked her to walk the dog and she want. She just keeps screaming at me how shes going to but doesn't take her..